You are gifted!
Do you realise that?
There are things you find easy that others can’t even comprehend.
There is a way about you that allows certain people to feel a certain way.
There are skills and talents that you have that you are not using to the best of your ability.
How do I know this?
Because I was one of those people.
I had things I knew I was good at, but I didn’t see them as a gift.
I didn’t appreciate them.
In fact, I chose to completely ignore and dismiss them.
But why?
If someone gives you a gift…
What do you do with it?
You use it.
You appreciate it
You make the most of it.
Not leave it:
So why is your life any different?
It’s not.
Don’t allow the impact you could create, the feeling you could give someone, or anything else that you could produce, be left:
You are gifted.
It’s up to you how you use that gift.
And if you’ve got a choice?
Which you have…
Why not use it?
You’re not something that should be wasted.